
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Timeless Tuesday #180

The challenge today was to case a design team's card, I chose the one here from Christine Okken.  It is such a pretty card.
I decided to use glitter for my background, this was done using lace, glitter and a brayer.  I just love this techinque.  Using sticker paper you put the lace on top of the sticky side and sprinkle with the glitter, place a piece of paper on top of the glitter and brayer on top.  Remove the lace and use the 2nd color of glitter in the same manner.  It makes such a pretty back ground.  I stamped and color my window with copic markers.  I used Fisker's punch to finish my card.  Love the look!


  1. A gorgeous card!! I love the one you chose to CASE, and you did a Fabulous job with it! Your colors, coloring and the design really come together with such beauty :)

    Thank you for playing along with us in Flourishes Timeless Tuesday!

    ~ Amanda :)

  2. Belinda, your card is very pretty! I love your take on casing Christine's card. Thank you for playing along at the FTTC.


Thanks so much for stopping by! Your comments are very "special" to me...Belinda