
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Timeless Tuesday Challenge #205

Good morning all, hope you are having a wonderful day!  The Timeless Tuesday Challenge at Flourishes is to create a vintage card.  I choose to you the Stampin Up Forever Young stamp, as it just reminds me of my childhood.  I so loved to swing and thought it would be perfect.  I used the Bo Bunny Howdy Doody stack that was include in one of the 1 2 3 Kits from Flourishes, as well as the lace and pearls.  I cut the butterflies from the Stampin Up die.  To create the the look of wainscot look I scored the paper at 1/2 marks and spritz the paper with the Tattered Angel Walnut Gold Glimmer Mist.  The mist and torn edges really gave it the look of old worn wallpaper.  Hope you all enjoy the rest of the week and remember Keep Stamping!!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous card! I love the whole Window idea, I've never tried that! You really made it look perfect with the curtains and tree :) I Love it!

    Thank you for playing along with us in Flourishes Timeless Tuesday!!
    ~ Amanda :)


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